Solar Rooftop Subsidy Yojana 2022: Apply Online @


Solar Rooftop Subsidy Yojana 2022: Apply Online @


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Solar Rooftop Subsidy Yojana 2022: Apply Online @


Solar Rooftop Subsidy Yojana Online Registration & Login @, State Wise Links, Benefits | Solar Rooftop Calculator | As the population of India grows, energy demands are also increasing. The increasing demand for energy is posing a challenge for the power industry. Currently, power industries are also trying to switch to solar energy and also other renewable sources of energy. The primary problem is insufficient resources relative to consumption. For the average person, it is impossible to pay monthly power costs that are too high. To resolve this issue, the government suggests solar energy as a viable alternative to electrical energy.

The federal government is accepting online applications for the Solar Rooftop Subsidy Scheme, which interested candidates may submit through an online portal. In today’s article, we will learn all about the Solar Rooftop Subsidy Yojana, its objectives benefit eligibility, and how to fill out the form online.

Solar Rooftop Subsidy Yojana

Solar Rooftop Subsidy Yojana 2022

This solar panel is used to collect sunlight, which may then be used for a variety of purposes. This system has several advantages, one of which is that it only requires a small amount of space and still generates energy that can be used for a variety of uses. The use of this method is becoming more widespread in today’s metropolitan regions. And the majority of people are attempting to utilize this method to reduce their reliance on power and their exposure to costly electrical bills. PM Kisan 12th Installment Check Online  

The government has initiated a program known as the Solar Rooftop Subsidy Scheme in order to stimulate the growth of solar rooftop systems. The Solar Rooftop Subsidy Scheme is an initiative by the government of India to promote the use of solar energy across the nation. In this program, the government would help pay for the installation of solar panels on the roofs of customers. Because of this, the use of renewable energy in the country will definitely go up, and customers will benefit heavily from this also. Within this initiative, the government aims to achieve 1 lakh megawatts of solar energy by 2022, of which 40,000 megawatts would come from rooftop solar power plants.

PM Kusum Yojana Overview

Scheme Name Solar Rooftop Scheme
Scheme Modification 15 March
Objectives To promote and boost solar energy in the country,
Benefits Subsidies

Solar Rooftop Subsidy Yojana Objectives

The main goal of the solar rooftop subsidy scheme, which was set up by the central government, is to get more people to use solar panels on their roofs so that less power is needed from the grid station. The scheme not only helps the government or the whole country, but it also helps people locally.

Meri Pehchan Portal

Solar Rooftop Subsidy Yojana Benefits

From this scheme, there are various benefits, such as:

  • As this system is put on the roof, it frees up a lot of lands that would otherwise be needed to make electricity. Make the work easier so that customers don’t have to rely on grid power. 
  • Solar roof systems cut down on the use of diesel generators, which helps save the environment. 
  • Solar Rooftop System is best for commercial organizations because it can produce the most power when it’s needed the most. And it costs less than power from the grid.
  • It’s a one-time investment that reduces utility expenses. 
  • This subsidy applies to households, industries, and social structures (hospitals, schools, etc.). This strategy also helps businesses. 
  • This solar system has no ongoing costs after installation. 
  • This scheme helps individuals save money. Although the goal of this plan cannot be seen immediately, it will become clearer over time.
  • This solar energy system costs just Rs.6.50/kWh, far cheaper than diesel generators and standard power. 
  • Under the National Solar Mission, the national government would spend 600 to 5,000 crore over five years.
  • This program reduces carbon emissions and hence helps in reducing global warming as well.

Coir Udyami Yojana 

Solar Rooftop Power Plant Details

S.No Details about Rooftop Solar Power plant (Specification)
1 Required space for fixing rooftop solar power plant 100 square feet
2 Cost for installing Rooftop Solar Power plant without subsidy Rs. 60k to Rs. 70K
3 How much amount need to be paid after 30% subsidy reduction Rs. 42K to Rs. 49K
4 How much power needs to be generated by consumers to avail of generation based Incentive? 1,100 to 1,500 Kwh / Kwp p.a
5 How many consumers can earn under this scheme? About Rs. 2k to 3k per annum

How to Apply Online for Solar Rooftop Subsidy Yojana

In order to apply for the subsidy scheme you have to follow the following steps: 

  • First, you have to visit the official website of the national portal for the rooftop solar panel “”. 
  • The home page will be displayed in front of you and you can display it by the name of registration for login. 
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  • First, you have to select the state and then you have to select the company which is distributing this utility facility of solar panels. 
  • You have to select the consumer account number which is the consumer account number from your electricity bill of the address where you want the rooftop panel to be installed. Click on the next 
  • You have to download an app on your mobile with the name SANDES App QR code to scan for registration. 
  • Then it will be asked to enter your mobile number and OTP will be sent to your mobile you need to confirm the OTP of your mobile and email id. Please complete the save registration process.
  • After registration is successful you can come to the homepage. 
  • And there on the homepage, you can see the login section enter your Consumer account number and registered mobile, and then click on the login button to apply online at National Solar Rooftop Portal.

Solar Rooftop Calculator 

  • To use the Solar rooftop calculator online, you must visit the official website.
  • On the website’s homepage, the solar rooftop calculator option may be accessed by clicking on it.
  • A new web page titled “solar rooftop calculator” will load in front of you.
Solar Rooftop Calculator 
  • On the calculator page, you may pick from the menu at the top either the Solar Panel capacity you want to install, your budget, or the entire roof area.
  • Then, you must pick your state and client category.
  • In the last step, you must choose the average cost of power and write it into the text box.
  • Then you must press the calculate button.
  • First, you have to visit the official website of the national portal for the rooftop solar panel “”. 
  • The home page will be displayed in front of you.
  • Now select the DISCOM information option and click on the DISCOM Portal Links.
  • State-wise links of the portals will be displayed on the screen.
View State Wise DISCOM Portal Links
  • Click on the portal of your choice and apply for it.


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