RPF Recruitment 2023 – 9000 Constable VACANCY | SI Posts Notification | Date


RPF Recruitment 2023 – 9000 Constable VACANCY | SI Posts Notification | Date


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RPF Recruitment 2023 – 9000 Constable VACANCY SI Posts Notification Date RPF Constable Recruitment 2023 Apply Online | RPF Recruitment 2023 Notification PDF | Last Date | Eligibility | Age Limit | Qualification | Railway RPF Vacancy 2022 Official Website | New Update.

RPF Recruitment 2023 – 9000 Constable VACANCY SI Posts Notification Date RPF Recruitment for the Constable post is expected to start soon. RPF Constable recruitment 2022-23 notification will soon be released by Indian Railways.

RPF Recruitment 2023

RPF Recruitment 2023: Railway Protection Force (RPF) is the central security force specially formed for the Indian Railways. It is expected that the Indian Railway will release the high number of RPF vacancies 2022 for constable because of two reasons – firstly the ever-expanding railways need security and secondly the Central Government has affirmed to recruit more candidates for the central government and associated institutions.

Exam NameRPF Constable Exam 2023
Conducting BodyMinistry of Railways
Exam LevelNational
Exam ModeOnline
Exam Duration90 minutes
Exam Websitehttps://indianrailways.gov.in/

RPF Constable Vacancy 2023 Details

RPF Recruitment 2023 – 9000 Constable VACANCY SI Posts Notification Date RPF bharti notification will notify the number of vacancies in the RPF Constable exam. The RPF recruitment is done for both males and femalesSo the candidates can expect a good number of RPF Vacancies because it is an all India level recruitment and Indian Railway is the largest employer of India.

PostVacancies 2022-23
RPDF Constable Post (Expected)9000

RPF Constable Eligibility Criteria

Candidates wishing to apply for RPF Recruitment 2022 must fulfill the eligibility criteria. Though the RPF Recruitment 2022 notification PDF has been released yet, the age limit and Educational Qualification criteria have been mentioned below as per the details of previous notification. Do have a look at these before applying for the recruitment.

RPF Constable Qualification 2022

Individuals who have qualified for their 10th/12th/Diploma/Graduation from a recognised board/university/institution in any stream can apply for Railway Protection Force Exam. Candidates who have not received their final certificates will not be considered eligible.

RPF Constable Recruitment 2022 Age Limit

Candidates should fall in the age of 18-25 yearsAge relaxation is available for students belonging to reserved categories.

PostAge Limit
RPF ConstableMinimum Age- 18 years
Maximum Age- 25 years

RPF Constable Recruitment Required Documents

  • caste certificate
  • income certificate
  • Aadhar card
  • 10th and 12th pass certificate from a recognized institute
  • Domicile Certificate
  • photo and signature
  • pan card
  • Other certificates related to RPF Recruitment 2022

RPF Constable Application Form: Fees

Category wise RPF Application fees to be paid by the aspirants are as follows:

SC/ST/Female Candidates/Ex-servicemen/EBCRs.250/-

RPF Recruitment 2023 Notification PDF Download

RPF recruitment will start with the release of official notification. The candidates should keep visiting this page to get the update about the recruitment, notification and all other important information. RPF recruitment 2023 notification will be released online and the applications will be filled in online only manner. RPF recruitment 2022-23 notification will mention the RPF vacancies, application dates, and all the rules and regulation that will govern the conduct of exam. The official notification will kick start the application process and notify the exam dates.RPF Constable Recruitment 2022-23 Apply Online
The online application link for the RPF Recruitment will be activated soon as and when the dates of the same are announced. You can check the steps below for online registration and applying methods.

Step 1: Click on the above link mentioned to apply or Visit the RPF official website and click on Apply Online.
Step 2: Enter basic details such as Name, Parent’s Name, Category, date of birth, email id and upload a recent passport size photograph and signature, etc. check the information submitted again and click to submit the basic details.
Step 3: In the second stage of the Online registration respective language and zone as per convenience.
Step 4: Pay the Application fee by using Debit Card / Credit Card / Internet Banking through Payment Gateway
Step 5: Download the Registration Slip at the end of the application process with a unique registration number, photograph, signature and other essential details. Take a print for further reference. RPF Recruitment 2023 – 9000 Constable VACANCY SI Posts Notification Date.

RPF Upcoming Vacancy 2022-23: Slection Process

The selection of candidates for RPF Recruitment is done through Computer Based Test (CBT), followed by Physical Measurement Test (PMT), Physical Efficiency Test (PET) and Document Verification (DV). You can check the exam pattern below. RPF Recruitment 2023 – 9000 Constable VACANCY SI Posts Notification Date

  1. Computer Based Test (CBT)
  2. Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
  3. Physical Measurement Test (PMT)
  4. Document Verification (DV)

RPF Recruitment Exam Pattern 2023

The Computer Based Test (CBT) consists of questions on Arithmetic, Reasoning, and General Awareness. The total marks allotted for the exam is 120 and the time duration is 90 minutes.

SubjectsTotal No. of QuestionsTotal Marks
General Intelligence & Reasoning3535
General Awareness5050
  • Objective Type Questions.
  • Each Correct answer will be awarded 1 marks
  • There is negative marking. ⅓ marks will be deducted for wrong answers.

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RPF Constable Recruitment 2023 Salary

The RPF Constable salary is shown in the below table.

PostOld Pay ScaleNew pay ScaleTotal Salary
RPF CONSTABLERs 5200 – Rs 20200/-Grade Pay Rs 2000Rs 21710/-Rs 26200 – Rs 32030
RPF Recruitment Notification PDF (soon)Click Here
RPF Constable Recruitment Apply OnlineClick Here
RPF Constable Vacancy Official WebsiteClick Here

आपके लिए यह भी उपयोगी हैं जरूर पढ़े –


RPF Constable Bharti 2022: FAQ’s

Q.1: How many vacancies are there in RPF 2022?

Ans: RPF Constable nearly 9000 vacancies are expected to be released this 2022-23.

Q.2: What is the qualification of RPF?

Ans: Candidates who have passed in 10th or Matric in any stream from a recognized board can apply for the RPF Constable Exam.

Q.3: What is the salary of RPF?

Ans: The average maximum salary for an RPF Constable is around Rs 26,000 to Rs 32,000 per month.

Q.4: What is the minimum height to qualify for RPF?

Ans: Male Candidate’s height needs to be 165 cms, and female candidates need to be 157 cms.

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RPSC New Exam Dates declared 2023 आरपीएससी भर्ती परीक्षा दिनांक 2023 यहां से डाउनलोड करें नोटिस

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इस पोस्ट को आप अपने मित्रो, शिक्षको और प्रतियोगियों व विद्यार्थियों (के लिए उपयोगी होने पर)  को जरूर शेयर कीजिए और अपने सोशल मिडिया पर अवश्य शेयर करके आप हमारा सकारात्मक सहयोग करेंगे

❤️🙏आपका हृदय से आभार 🙏❤️







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