DDA PM Uday Yojana 2022: Online Registration & Application Status, List


DDA PM Uday Yojana 2022: Online Registration & Application Status, List


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DDA PM Uday Yojana 2022: Online Registration & Application Status, List


Regularization has been a faraway dream for people living in unapproved colonies in Delhi. People living in unauthorized colonies in Delhi would be able to use a special online portal to apply for the rights of ownership. If the DDA PM Uday Yojana application is approved, the applicant would only have to pay a small fee to get the registry papers. The Delhi Development Authority is in charge of the whole process of PM Uday Yojana. Around 50 million people in Delhi live in colonies that are not authorized by the government. In 2021, the government received about 4 million applications. In today’s article, we will learn everything about the scheme and also how to get papers for your house through this scheme if you are a resident of Delhi.
DDA PM Uday Yojana

DDA PM Uday Yojana 2022

The Scheme was enacted by the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha of Parliament to regulate colonies and provide people with property rights. PM Uday Awas Adhikar Yojana gives lakhs of households dignity. Residents in unauthorized or illegal colonies may register or authorize their properties. 50 lakh people reside in unlawful colonies on public or private property in Delhi. Built-up space or land portions in illegal colonies are generally controlled by GPA, with a selling agreement. The Uday scheme will fix the problem. PM Uday Yojana was brought in to help. The Indian government set up a special committee to look into recognizing loans or giving people in 1731 illegal colonies ownership or transfer rights.

DDA Housing Scheme

PM Uday Yojana 2022 Overview

Scheme Name DDA PM Uday Yojana 
Year Launched  2022
Launch By  Central Government
Objectives To Provide rights of ownership
Mode of application Online
Website www.delhi.ncog.gov.in

PM Uday Yojana 2022 Objectives

The primary objective of the DDA PM Uday Yojana is to assist the residents of unlawful Delhi colonies in acquiring ownership rights to their homes and apartments. They are needed to get in touch with us and provide us with all of the papers that are essential for the DDA PM-Uday yojana, as well as the authorities dealing with the PM-Uday registration online on their behalf. The State Government is committed to doing all in its power to guarantee that our clients are granted ownership rights as quickly and painlessly as possible. 

Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Gramin

DDA PM Uday Yojana 2022 Benefits

Benefits for the scheme are listed below:

  • UnderDDA PM Uday Yojana, people living in unauthorized colonies in Delhi would be able to use a special online portal to apply for the rights of ownership.
  • Through DDA, the Indian government would make a detailed plan for how to build up the unauthorized colonies.
  • Under the DDA PM UDAY Yojana, important factors like resettlement planning or meeting the minimum planning requirements of the unauthorized colonies that promote the plots’ merging will be taken into account. This will ensure the participation of the land’s current owners and residents, as well as the parameters that have already been set.
  • In the case of large plots, the Floor Area Ratio will be raised from 20 to level 1 and 50.

PM Uday Yojana Eligibilities required

Participants must meet the following requirements: 

  • Participants must be permanent residents of Delhi.
  • People that are living in an illegal colony do not have any rights to the land they are on.

Delhi Marriage Registration

DDA PM Uday Yojana Registration fees 

Registration fees included with it are as follows:

  • For 1000 square meter charges applied is around Rs 5000.

Required Documents for DDA PM Uday Yojana

If you want to register for ownership rights or a flat under the PM-Uday scheme, the following papers are necessary for the DDA PM-Uday Yojana program:

  • Electricity bill payment Documents 
  • Agreement to sell
  • The Most Recent Ownership Document and Order:r: Most Recent GPA
  • Electricity Bill
  • Property Tax Mutation Document
  •  Previous Chain of Documents in Serial order Documentary Proof of building before the 1st of January 2015.
  • Any additional documents relating to ownership

Delhi Rozgar Bazaar

DDA PM Uday Yojana Registration Process

  • Go to the PM UDAY homepage, scroll down until you see Registration, and then click on it. The registration page for the scheme will be the name of the new page that will open.
DDA PM Uday Yojana
  • Then you have to fill in the information on the form, such as the name, address, and phone number of the applicant. You also have to choose a colony from the drop-down menu.
DDA PM Uday Yojana
  • After the registration is done, a receipt of acknowledgment would be shown. You need to write down both the unique registration number and the information about the GIS agencies that are part of the PM Uday Scheme.
  • Users will indeed contact one of the three GIS agencies that have been hired to fix the geo-coordinates of the land. The chosen and assigned agency would then go to the property to make sure the geo-coordinates are correct and upload them to the DDA pm Uday Portal Once this is done, you’ll get a unique “GIS ID” for the email address and phone number you used to sign up.
  • The applicant then has to give information about the property and the land where it is located. Owners’ details, etc.
  • Attach documents that we have discussed in the section of documents needed.
  • After filling out all required fields and attaching the required documents, submit the application. Applicants must submit signature file of the applicant. Finally, print the filled application, which will be used for any future contacts.

DDA PM Uday Yojana Application Status Check

  • Open the official website of the scheme
  • On the homepage, you are able to determine the current standing of the application via the PM-Uday portal by scrolling to the bottom of the page and selecting either the “Published application” or “Disposed application” option. 
  • After that, you will be sent to a new page, where you may enter your name and the case ID associated with your application.
  • The status of the application will be shown whether it has been accepted or not.

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