National Solar Rooftop Portal Launched for Installation of Solar Plants


National Solar Rooftop Portal Launched for Installation of Solar Plants


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National Solar Rooftop Portal Launched for Installation of Solar Plants


National Solar Rooftop Portal Online Registration & Login | National Portal for Solar Rooftop Benefits, State Wise DISCOMS Links | The electricity industry is facing challenges as a result of the rising use of energy. Currently, power sectors are attempting to transition to solar energy and other renewable energy sources. The major issue is a lack of resources proportional to the level of demand. For the typical individual, it is difficult to pay excessive monthly energy bills. The government promotes solar energy as a potential alternative to electrical energy to address this problem. The application process for the solar rooftop subsidy scheme may now be completed online via a website operated by the federal government. In today’s article, we will discuss all the details of this scheme. Additionally, we will discuss how to operate the National Solar Rooftop Portal.

National Solar Rooftop Portal

National Solar Rooftop Portal

On the eve of India’s 75th anniversary of independence and its goal to be energy independent by 2047, the Prime Minister started a number of programs. The government has started a program called the Solar Rooftop Subsidy Scheme to help solar rooftop systems become more popular. The Solar Rooftop Scheme is an effort by the government of India to encourage everyone in the country to use solar energy. In this program, the government would help customers pay to have solar panels put on their roofs.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi opened the National Portal for Rooftop Solar, which lets people track how rooftop solar plants are being set up online and also interested people apply for the scheme there as well. The portal will make it easy to keep track of what’s going on, from registering applications to putting subsidies in the bank accounts of residential customers after the plant has been installed and inspected. The Portal has many features and benefits. Once registered, beneficiaries can apply for a number of solar-related schemes. Portal also has a solar calculator to calculate the energy used and profit earned with a solar panel installed.

Customers will profit greatly from the increase in the use of renewable energy in the nation. The government hopes to reach 1 million megawatts of solar energy by 2022, with 40,000 megawatts coming from rooftop solar power plants.

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National Portal for Rooftop Solar Overview

Portal Name National Solar Rooftop Portal 
Scheme Modification 15 March
Objectives To promote and boost solar energy in the country,
Benefits Apply in schemes

National Solar Rooftop Portal objectives

The primary objective of the national Solar Portal is to encourage more homeowners to install solar panels on their rooftops, thereby reducing the demand for electricity from the grid station. In addition to aiding in the application process, the web page provides information about new solar schemes and other government advantages related to solar energy use.

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National Solar Rooftop Portal Benefits

  • It is pretty simple to utilize this online national solar portal in order to register under different solar government subsidized schemes, which is one of the advantages of utilizing this online portal to access the national solar schemes.
  • The registered users of this site get ongoing information and updates on the many government programs.
  • This site serves its own purpose, which is to do calculations, and is referred to as the Solar calculator. Calculations about the amount of energy that is being utilized by the solar panels and the amount of profit that may be made from utilizing the solar panels can be done by any user who has registered to use this calculator.

National Solar Rooftop Portal Registration Process

The following procedures need to be completed in order to submit an application for the subsidy programme:

  • To begin, you will need to go to the official website of the national portal for rooftop solar panel systems, which can be found at “”
image 353
  • You will see the homepage in
    front of you, and you will have the option to show it based on the name you used to register or log in. If you choose to fill out the registration side.
  • You will first be asked to choose the state, and then you will be asked to choose the business that is responsible for the distribution of this solar panel utility infrastructure.
  • You will need to choose the consumer account number, which is the consumer account number that can be found on your most recent power statement. This number corresponds to the address at which you would want the rooftop panel to be placed. To proceed, click on the following link.
  • You will need to install an application on your mobile device called the SANDES App QR code to complete the registration process.
National Solar Rooftop Portal Registration Process
  • After that, you will be prompted to provide your cell phone number, after which a one-time password (OTP) will be issued to your mobile device, and you will be required to confirm the OTP for both your mobile device and your email address. Kindly finish the registration procedure so we can preserve your information.
  • You will be able to access the homepage after your registration has been successfully completed.
  • In addition, the part for logging in may be found on the site. To apply online via the National Solar Rooftop Portal, go to the website, input your consumer account number and registered cellphone number, and then click on the login option.

National Solar Rooftop Portal Login and Applying for Scheme

The following procedures need to be completed in order to submit an application for the subsidy programme:

  • To begin, you will need to go to the official website of the national portal for rooftop solar panel systems, which can be found at “”
  • You will see the homepage in front of you, and you will have the option to show it based on the name you used to register or log in. If you choose to fill in the login details
National Solar Rooftop Portal Login
  • In the login section enter details as shown. First enter the Registered Consumer Account Number, which is on the electricity bill, and then the registered mobile number that was used during the registration process.
  • In addition, the part for logging in may be found on the site. To apply online via the National Solar Rooftop Portal, go to the website, input your consumer account number and registered cellphone number, and then click on the login option.

Solar Rooftop Calculator

  • You need to go to the official website in order to make use of the online solar rooftop calculator.
  • Simply clicking on the link that’s shown on the homepage of the website gives users the opportunity to use the solar rooftop calculator.
  • You will see a new web page that has been loaded in front of you with the headline “solar rooftop calculator.”
Solar Rooftop Calculator
  • On the page for the calculator, you can select from the menu at the top either the capacity of the solar panels you wish to install, your budget, or the total surface area of the roof.
  • The next step requires you to choose the kind of customer and the state in which you operate.
  • In the last stage, you will need to choose the typical cost of electricity and then enter it into the appropriate text box.
  • After that, you need to press the button labeled “calculate.
  • All desired details and calculations will be shown accurately.

National Solar Rooftop Portal Registration of Retailers

  • The solar rooftop Portal platform gives customers and sellers transparency and convenience of commerce.
  • Registration of Retailers and Wholesalers the process of registering as a vendor with the distribution firm has also been streamlined to make it more user-friendly. 
  • The only thing that merchants have to do to be registered is hand in a declaration and a PBG payment in the sum of Rs. 2.5 lakh. 
  • These retailers will also have access to put their information and pricing on the National Portal. This will
    allow any customer who is interested in having solar panels placed on their rooftop to get in touch with these retailers and negotiate prices that are satisfactory to both parties. 
  • On the Portal, the procedure that begins with the customer registering their application and continues with the subsidy being deposited into their bank account can be followed online.

View Schemes at National Solar Rooftop Portal 

  • In order to check the new schemes on the national portal website, first, you have to visit the official website of the portal.
  • Then on the home page, you can see the section on what’s new. You have to click on it.
  • Then a new page will be opened in front of you with the name of what’s new and all the updates and notifications along with their categories and dates will be shown in front of you.
View Schemes
  • Then you can select anyone that you want to know about and click on it.
  • After clicking, the file will be opened in PDF format and the desired information will be shown to you.

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