Mizoram SEDP Scheme Launched by CM, Families to Get Rs 50,000


Mizoram SEDP Scheme Launched by CM, Families to Get Rs 50,000


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Mizoram SEDP Scheme Launched by CM, Families to Get Rs 50,000


Mizoram SEDP Scheme Apply Online 2022 | Family Oriented SEDP Scheme Benefits, Eligibility, Documents Required & Application Process | The Chief Minister of Mizoram introduced a new program on August 19, 2022. The plan is known as the Socio-Economic Development Policy (SEDP), a family-focused flagship policy that provides financial assistance to families. The help will be distributed in stages. The scheme intends to promote social life and provide happiness and calm to people’s lives. The topic of the SEDP Scheme will be covered in the article that we will be reading today. In addition to its goals, advantages, eligibility requirements, and lists of required documents, we will also go through the application process.

Mizoram SEDP Scheme

Mizoram SEDP Scheme 2022

Due to the deterioration of financial conditions, the state government has devised this Mizoram SEDP Scheme. Mizoram has just begun implementing a program known as the Socio-Economic Development Policy (SEDP). The initiative will stick to its goal of delivering 3 lakh or more, with the first year distributing Rs 50,000, and they have already begun paying that in installments. The government of Mizoram has already allotted 700 crore rupees for the execution of the Socio-Economic Development Policy. A total of 350 crore rupees has been designated for a family development program. A total of around 60 000 people will benefit from this program throughout the state. Those who are qualified to apply for the family-oriented SEDP program will submit an application form to a village-level SEDP committee. This is in accordance with the policy guidelines.

PMAY Online Form

The checks totaling 152.99 billion rupees were presented to 9 different departments by the Chief Minister. In accordance with this plan, assistance will be disbursed across a variety of fields, including agricultural and animal husbandry, fisheries, land resources, soil and water conservation, trade and industry, urban development and poverty relief, tourist departments, and so on.

The departments that will operate under this system will be in 11 districts, and they will cover over 70 unique livelihood paths. This implies that people will have the opportunity to pick from over 70 distinct trades that fall under nine different departments. To assist the continued economic functions of about 60000 beneficiaries, financial help in the amount of 50,000 rupees will be awarded to each of these beneficiaries at a rate of 1500 beneficiaries per each of the 40 Assembly Constituencies.


NREGA Payment List 

Mizoram Socio-Economic Development Policy Overview

Scheme Name Socio-Economic Development Policy
Launch By Mr. Zoramthanga, Chief Minister of Mizoram
Date Of Announcement August 19, 2022
Objectives To Provide Financial Aid
Benefits 50,000 to 3 lakh in the first year.
Website Link Not Yet released

Mizoram SEDP Scheme Objectives

The program’s main mission is to specify the desired objectives in terms of development and the production of livelihoods.  The SEDP is the most important program of the party in power, the Mizo National Front (MNF), and it was part of the party’s election platform in 2018. Due to the financial problems caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the state will have to implement SEDP based on how much money it has available. But it took three years for the government to start the family-friendly policy. In order to reach this goal, the government promised to give beneficiaries Rs 3 lakh to help them start projects.

Benefits and Important Points of Mizoram SEDP Scheme

  • The SEDP was part of the MNF’s 2018 election platform.
  • During the current fiscal year, the state government will provide assistance to 60,000 different households.
  • With a goal of covering three lakh rupees via the distribution of fifty thousand rupees,
  • The initial year of 3 lakh rupees will be given.
  • In the second year of the scheme, the State Government will provide more than 3 Lakh Rupees of financial assistance
  • Total beneficiaries who will be covered under this scheme in the starting year is up to the mark of 60,000. 
  • Financial aid will be given through installments of Rs 25,000.
  • It is anticipated that the first installment will be deposited into the accounts of the beneficiaries between September 1, 2022, and October 31, 2022 and that the second installment will be credited between December 1, 2022, and February 15, 2023.
  • In terms of households, agriculture chose 9,161 households, veterinary chose 253,99, UD&PA chose 828, land resources, soil, and water conservation chose 5680, horticulture chose 26, horticulture chose 4078, and commerce and industry chose 13266.

Nipun Bharat Mission

Mizoram SEDP Scheme Application Procedure

  • Candidates who are eligible to apply for the position are required to submit the form to the committee at the village level.
  • Those applicants have the opportunity to choose from more than 70 different professions, and that they are required to select the kind of financial aid they need from any one of those professions.
  • After the form has been sent in by the applicants, it will be processed by the governing authorities, and after that, the funds will be deposited electronically and immediately into the accounts of the recipients.


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