Gujarat Citizen Smart Card Scheme 2022 Apply Online, Benefits, Features


Gujarat Citizen Smart Card Scheme 2022 Apply Online, Benefits, Features


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Gujarat Citizen Smart Card Scheme 2022 Apply Online, Benefits, Features


Citizen Smart Card Scheme Application Form | Gujarat Citizen Smart Card Scheme Benefits, Eligibility, Services Offered, Documents Required | Online Application for Gujarat Citizen Smart Card Card Scheme 2022, program was introduced by Gujarat’s chief minister, Vijay Rupani in an effort to give the state’s citizens a transparent and corruption-free administration. By December 2020, the government would have offered 51 services overall through the digital platform in 8,000 Gujarati villages. We will share with you all the key facts about the Gujarat Citizen Smart Card Scheme 2022 in this post, including the scheme’s goal, its advantages, its eligibility requirements, and crucial papers.

Gujarat Citizen Smart Card Scheme

About Gujarat Citizen Smart Card Scheme

By the end of December 2020, eight thousand villages in Gujarat will have access to 51 different government services through the digital platform, as we have mentioned. Thirty-five of these services have already begun. The Gujarat Citizen Smart Card Scheme was initially implemented in a single municipality, but it is currently anticipated to be expanded to all other municipalities within the state. For various civics services, users will only need to carry this smart card, which will be locked with the date of the people who were gathered. Click to check more information about Gujarat Vahli Dikri Yojana 

Gujarat Citizen Smart Card Scheme Highlights

Name of the scheme Gujarat Citizen Smart Card Scheme 2022
Launched by Chief Minister Vijay Rupani
Launched on 17 December 2020
Beneficiaries People of the state
Objective  To provide corruption-free and transparent government
Benefit To avail of the various services people will need to carry this smart card only
Number of services available Around 51
Number of beneficiaries Around 8000 villages
Mode of application Not yet declared
Official website

Citizen Smart Card Scheme Objective

As is common knowledge, carrying personal documentation is required for residents of all states in order to access a variety of services, which presents a number of challenges. Gujarat’s chief minister introduced the Gujarat Citizen Smart Card Scheme with this in mind. The citizens will no longer need to carry a hard copy of their personal documents while using the many civic services made possible by this program; instead, they will just need to carry a smart card. This will make it simple for them to access their documents and guarantee an honest and open government.

Ikhedut Portal

Data Of Families Under This Scheme

The New Citizen smart card program has proven a benefit to almost 7000 local families. Additionally, the information about the household that will be on this card is provided below.

  • Aadhar card.
  • Ration Card.
  • Election Card
  • Recent Photograph.

Services Offered Under the Scheme

The state’s citizens will be able to access a variety of services with this card. This program will provide benefits to about 7000 students. Once the data is ready, all citizens will be given smart cards. The data of these families will be gathered and stored in the central government’s digital locker. The Citizen Smart Card Scheme offers a variety of civic services, including income certificates, BPL certificates, and other documents that will make it easier for citizens to access their records.

Important Documents & Requirements

  • A candidate must be a Gujarat state resident.
  • Voter ID card: Aadhar card
  • Proof of address
  • photo in passport size
  • All necessary critical documents must be captured using a citizen smart card.

Mukhyamantri Matrushakti Yojana

Program Mokle Mane Samvad

The primary goals of the MokleMaveSamvad Programme, which is run by the Gujarat government, are to increase milk production, preserve native care, and breed concrete cows to reach Kamdhenu levels. This program aims to build a robust framework for effectively preventing cow slaughter because, in Gujarat, animal husbandry is not valued equally to agriculture. Gujarat is self-sufficient in milk thanks to its cow owners, and dairy products continues to operate even during a COVID-19 curfew.

Gujarat Citizen Smart Card Scheme Application Procedure

The Gujarat State Chief Minister recently announced the Gujarat Smart Card Scheme, but the government has not yet announced the application procedures under this Scheme. As soon as the government announces the application procedures under this Scheme, we will notify all interested applicants.

How to View Gujarat Citizen Smart Card Scheme Status

You can check your status after applying for the program. In order to do this, you must first go to the official website and then click the “check status” option on the home page. You can find out anything about the status of your application here.

In addition to this, the state of Gujarat’s administration is working to advance animal husbandry, bring it into line with agriculture, and enhance the state’s overall output. The state’s chief minister is discussing various initiatives with cow owners to improve the situation and increase output in the dairy industry.


Who are the program’s beneficiaries, exactly?

Mandvi residents

Who will introduce the plan?

Vijay Rupani is the chief minister of Gujarat.

What is the scheme’s official website?

How many services will be offered under the plan?

51 services.


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