CHEMICAL REACTIONS AND EQUATIONS MOCK TEST MCQ 03 / रासायनिक प्रतिक्रियाएं और समीकरण मोक टेस्ट


CHEMICAL REACTIONS AND EQUATIONS MOCK TEST MCQ 03 / रासायनिक प्रतिक्रियाएं और समीकरण मोक टेस्ट


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CHEMICAL REACTIONS AND EQUATIONS MOCK TEST MCQ 03 / रासायनिक प्रतिक्रियाएं और समीकरण मोक टेस्ट

51.  Conversion of CaCO3 in to CaO as per following reaction is an example of-

                       CaCO3              CaO  +  CO2

        (A) Decomposition reaction                                       (B) Reduction reaction

        (C) Oxidation reaction                                                 (D) None of these

ANS :   A

52.  Fe2O  + 2Al                 Al2O3  +  2Fe This reaction is an example of –

        (A) Combination reaction                                                           (B) Double displacement reaction

        (C) Decomposition reaction                                                       (D) Displacement reaction

ANS :   D

53.  In reaction SO2  +  2H2S               2H2O  +3S the reducing agent is-

        (A) SO2                                             (B) H2S                                             (C) H2O                                     (D) S

ANS :   B

54.  Which of the following reaction is metathesis reaction?

        (A) FeCl3 + 3NaOH               Fe(OH)3 + 3NaCl   (B) Zn + H2SO4               ZnSo4 + H2

        (C) 2CO  +  O2       2CO2                                            (D) N2 + O2              2NO

ANS :   A

55.  What happens when dil hydrochloric acid is added to iron fillings?

        (A) Hydrogen gas and Iron chloride are produced.

        (B) Chlorine gas and Iron hydroxide are produced.

        (C) NO reaction takes place.

        (D) Iron salt and water are produced.

ANS :   A

56.  When Iron nails are added to an aquous solution of copper sulphate, a chemical change occurs, which of the following is not true about this reaction?

        (A) Blue colour of the solution fades.                       (B) Iron nails becomes brownish colour.

        (C) It is (A) displacement reaction.                                          (D) Iron nails dissolves completely.

ANS :  D

57.  The representation of a chemical reaction by using the symbols and formula of reactants and products is called

        (A)     Chemical reaction (B)         Chemical equation

        (C)         Balanced chemical reaction          (D)         All of these

ANS :    B

58.    Which one of the following statement is incorrect ?

        (A)         All element are homogeneous

        (B)         Compounds always contains two or more different elements.

        (C)         A mixture is not always heterogeneous

        (D)     Air is a heterogeneous mixture

ANS :   D

59.  When the following reaction equation is properly balanced, the number of moles of O2 will be

         C_3 H_8+O_2 →┴(  ) CO_2+H_2 O

        (A)         1.5 moles             (B)         3.5 moles

        (C) 3 moles         (D) 5 moles

ANS :   D

60.  When the following reaction is properly balanced the number of moles of O2 will be

         C_6 H_14+O_2 →┴(  ) CO_2+H_2 O

        (A)         1.5 moles             (B)         13 moles

        (C)         19 moles              (D)         38 moles

ANS :   C

61.  There are four types of reactions given

        (I)           Fe_2 O_3+2Al→┴( Δ ) 2Fe+Al_2 O_3      (II)         CuO+H_2 →┴(  ) Cu+H_2 O

        (III)        H_2 S+SO_2 →┴(  ) 3S+2H_2 O  (IV)                      Mg+O_2 →┴(  ) MgO

        The reducing agents in I & II and oxidising agents in III & IV are

        (A)         Fe_2 O_3,H_2&H_2 S,O_2          (B)         Al,H_2&SO_2,O_2

        (C)         Fe_2 O_3,CuO&SO_2,Mg            (D)         Al,CuO&H_2 S,O_2

ANS :   B

62.  Oxidation and reduction are

        (A)         Gain of electrons and loss of electrons

        (B)         Gain of electrons & loss of electrons respectively

        (C)         Loss of electrons & gain of electrons respectively

        (D)         Loss of electrons & loss of electrons

ANS :   C

63.  Copper objects lose their lusture  or shine after sometime. The surface of these objects acquire a green coating of basic copper carbonate CuCO3.Cu(OH)2 which is called rust of copper. This is due to

        (A)         Attack of H2O (vap.) and CO2 present in the atmosphere on the surface of copper

        (B)         Attack of H2O & O2 present in the atmosphere  on the surface of copper

        (C)         Attack of H2O, O2 & CO2 present in the atmosphere on the surface of copper

        (D)  None of these

ANS :    C

64.  Rusting of iron is a chemical reaction. The reaction can be termed as

        (A)         Displacement     (B)         combination

        (C)         Double decomposition    (D)         substitution

ANS:    B

65.  In which of the following reaction ‘Zn’ undergo oxidation?

        (A)         Zn^(2+)+2e^- →┴(  ) Zn   (B)         H_2 →┴(  ) 2H^++2e^-

        (C)         2H^++2e^- →┴(  ) H_2     (D)         Zn→┴(  ) Zn^(2+)+2e^-

ANS :   D

66.  The formula for rust is

        (A)         CuO       (B)         Fe2O3 .xH2O

        (C)         AgNO3 (D)         AgS

AN S:   B

67.  In the reaction PbO + C  Pb + CO

        (A)         PbO is oxidised 

(B)  C acts as an oxidising agent

        (C)         C acts as a reducing agent.           

(D) This reaction does not represent redox reaction.

ANS :   C

68.  When iron nails are put in a solution of CuSO4,

        (A)         copper metal is displaced                             (B)         the blue colour turns light green

        (C)         the copper metal is deposited on the iron ails

        (D) all the above

ANS :    B

69.  Ferric oxide reacts with aluminium metal upon heating to form aluminium oxide and iron. In this reaction, Fe_2 O_3 acts

                       (A)         Reducing agent  (B)         Oxidizing agent

                       (C)         Both as oxidizing and reducing agent        (D)         Above reaction is not a redox reaction

ANS :   B

70.  During the reaction of Zn with H2SO4

        (A)         Zn loses electrons             (B)         Zn gain electrons

        (C)         Zn get reduced   (D)         Both (b) and (c)

ANS :    A

71.  Following reaction represents a redox reaction  in this process 2Na+Cl_2 →┴(  ) 2NaCl

        (A)         Na get oxidised  (B)         Cl2 get oxidized

        (C)         Cl2 is oxidising agent      (D)         Both A and C

ANS :   D

72.  According to electronic concept

        (A)         Oxidation is gain of electron

        (B)         Electron donating species is called oxidising agent

        (C)         Reduction is gain of electron

        (D)         Electron accepting species is called reducing agent

ANS :   C

73.  Which of the following correctly represents the balanced chemical reaction between Aluminimum and sulphur ?

        (A)         16Al + 3S8  8 Al2S3   (B)         12Al + S8  4Al3S2

        (C)         8Al + S8  8AlS             (D)         4Al + S8  4AlS2

ANS :  A

74.  Fe2O3 + 2Al  Al2O3 + 2 Fe

        The  above reaction is an example of a

        (A)         combination reaction       (B)         double displacement reaction

        (C)  decomposition reaction          (D) displacement reaction

ANS :   D

75.  A balanced chemical equation is in accordance with

        (A)         Avogadro’s law (B)         Law of multiple proportions

        (C)         law of conservation of mass          (D)         Law of gaseous volumes

ANS :  C

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