CHEMICAL REACTIONS AND EQUATIONS MOCK TEST MCQ 02 / रासायनिक प्रतिक्रियाएं और समीकरण मोक टेस्ट


CHEMICAL REACTIONS AND EQUATIONS MOCK TEST MCQ 02 / रासायनिक प्रतिक्रियाएं और समीकरण मोक टेस्ट


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CHEMICAL REACTIONS AND EQUATIONS MOCK TEST MCQ 02 / रासायनिक प्रतिक्रियाएं और समीकरण मोक टेस्ट

26.  In the reaction Mg + CI2 → MgCI2

        Chlorine may be regarded as –

        (A) an oxidising agent                                                  (B) a reducing agent

        (C) a catalyst                                                                  (D) providing an inert medium

ANS :   A

27.  When the gases sulphur dioxide and hydrogen sulphide react, the reaction is

        SO2 + 2H2S → 2H2O + 3S

        Here hydrogen sulphide is acting as –

        (A) an oxidising agent                                                  (B) a reducing agent

        (C) a dehydrating agent                                               (D) a catalyst

ANS :   B

28.  Which of the following statements is/are false for oxidation reaction?

        (A) Gain or addition of electronegative radical

        (B) Removal of hydrogen atom.

        (C) Removal or loss of electropositive radical or element

        (D) None of these

ANS :  D

29.  CiO + H2→ H2O + Cu, reaction is an example of –

        (A) redox reaction                                                         (B) synthesis reaction

        (B) neutralisation                                                          (D) analysis reaction

ANS :   A

30.  Which of the following is an example of oxidation reaction ?

        (A) Sn+2 – 2e- → Sn+4                                              (B) Fe+3 + e- → Fe+2

        (C) CI2 + 2e- → 2CI                                                   (D) None of these

ANS :  A

31.  In the process of burring of magnesium in air, magnesium undergoes –

        (A) reduction                     (B) sublimation                 (C) oxidation                     (D) all of these

ANS :   C

32.  A substance which oxidises itself and reduces other is known as-

        (A) an oxidising agent     (B) a reducing agent        (C) Both of these              (D) None of these

ANS :   B

33.  Oxidation is a process which involves –

        (A) addition of oxygen                                                 (B) removal of hydrogen

        (C) loss of electrons                                                      (D) All are correct

ANS :   D

34.  In the reaction PbO + C → Pb + CO.

        (A) PbO is oxidized                                                      (B) C acts as oxidising agent.

        (C) C acts as a reducing agent.                    (D) This reaction does not represent a redox reaction.

ANS :    C

35.  A redox reaction is one in which –

        (A) both the substances are reduced.

        (B) both the substances are oxidised.

        (C) and acid is neutralised by the base.

        (D) one substance is oxidised, which the other is reduced.

ANS :   D

36.  Chemical reaction 2Na + CI2   2 NaCI is an example of –

        (A) Combination reaction                                            (B) decomposition reaction

        (C) displacement reaction                                            (D) double displacement reaction

ANS :    A

37.  Which of the following equations is representing combination of two elements?

        (A) CaO + CO2   CaCO3                                            (B) 4 Na + O2   2Na2O

        (C) SO2 + 1/2 O2   SO3                               (D) 2Na + 2H2O   2NaOH + H2

ANS :   B

38.  Which of the following equations is not an example of single displacement reaction?

        (A) 2AI + Fe2O3   AI2O3 + 23Fe                             (B) Ca + CO2   CaCI2

        (C) 2KI + CI2   2KCI + I2                                          (D) 2Na + 2H2O   2NaOH + H2

ANS :    B

39.  Which of the following is/are a decomposition reaction(s)?

        (A) 2HgO →┴( Heat ) 2Hg + O2                                 (B) CaCO3 →┴( Heat ) CaO + CO2

        (C) 2H2O →┴( Electrolysis )H2 + O2                                       (D) All of these

ANS :   D

40.  The reaction in which two compounds exchange their ions to form two new compounds is-

        (A) a displacement reaction                                        (B) a decomposition reaction

        (C) an addition reaction                                               (D) a double displacement reaction

ANS :  D

41.  Which of the following is not a decomposition reaction?

        (A) CaCO3                  CaO + CO2                                          (B) 2KClO3               2KCl + 3O2

        (C)  Digestion of food in the body                             (D) H2 + Cl2                     2HCl

ANS :   D

42.  Which of the following a double displacement reaction?

        (A)  2H2 + O2                   2H2O                               (B) 2Mg + O2               2MgO

        (C)  AgNO3 + NaCl               AgCl ↓ + NaNO3    (D) H2 + Cl2             2HCl

ANS :   C

43.  Which of the following is a displacement reaction?

        (A) CaCO¬3             CaO + CO2                               (B) CaO  +  2HCl             CaCl2 +  H2O

        (C)  Fe  +  CuSO4               FeSO4  + Cu                (D) NaOH  +  HCl              NaCl  +  H¬2O

ANS :    C

44.  The reaction H2  + Cl2                 2HCl is a –

        (A)  Decomposition reaction                                      (B) Combination reaction

        (C)  Double displacement reaction                            (D) Displacement reaction

ANS :    B

45.  Which of the following is a decomposition reaction?

        (A)  NaOH  +  HCl                   NaCl  +  H2O           (B) NH4CNO                H2NCONH2

        (C)  2KClO3                 2KCl  + 3O2                        (D) H2  +  I2               2HI

ANS :    C

46.  Which of the following statement is substance?

        (A)  In oxidation, oxygen in added to a substance.

        (B)  In oxidation, Hydrogen is added to a substance.

        (C) Oxidation agent in oxidized.

        (D) Reducing agent is oxidized.

ANS  :    C

47.  Which of the following is a combination reaction –

        (A) Boiling of water                                                    (B) Melting of wax         

(C) Burning of petrol                                                           (D) None of these

ANS :    C

48.  Which of the following is a redox reaction-

        (A) CaCO3                CaO  +  CO2                                          (B) H2   + Cl2                2HCl

        (C) CaO  +  2HCl               CaCl2  +  H2O                             (D) NaOH  +  HCl               NaCl  +  H2o

ANS :   B

49.  Which statement is correct about the following reaction?

                       ZnO  +  CO               Zn  +  CO2

        (A) ZnO is being oxidized                            (B) CO is being reduced

        (C) CO2 is being oxidized                                           (D) ZnO is being reduced

ANS :    D

50.  The reaction (C)  +  O2               CO2  +  Heat is a –

        (A) Combination reaction                                           (B) Oxidation reaction

        (C) Exothermic reaction                                              (D) All of the above

ANS :    D

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