Assam Sakhi Express Scheme 2022: Apply Online, New Beneficiary List


Assam Sakhi Express Scheme 2022: Apply Online, New Beneficiary List


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Assam Sakhi Express Scheme 2022: Apply Online, New Beneficiary List


Assam Sakhi Express Scheme Apply Online, Eligibility | Jeevika Sakhi Express Scheme Beneficiary List District Wise, Document Required | Under the Jeevika Sakhi Express, a large number of scooters will be distributed throughout the state of Assam in the year 2022. similar to a brand new scheme introduced in the year 2022. The Assam chief minister, Himanta Biswa Sarma, was the one who officially opened the scheme under the Sakhi Express Scheme on the 21st of August. In the next piece, we will get an understanding of what this program is, as well as its goals, advantages, and the process for obtaining a scooter via the program.

Assam Sakhi Express Scheme

Assam Sakhi Express Scheme 2022

On Sunday, August 21st, the event was opened by the Chief Minister of Assam, who also announced the launch of a new programme and, as part of that programme, gave 6670 bikes to community cadres. As of today, more than 6670 scooters have been distributed in the last two years, bringing the total number of distributed scores in the last two years to approximately 10908.

Therefore bringing the such type of  schemes to help female-run self-help groups will help Assam become one of the states with the highest per capita GDP. “Sakhis” are the people who will get help from this plan. Sakhi who have been given scooters by ASRLM have to work hard to get members of self-help groups to work together to become financially independent and self-sufficient. Click to check more detail about the “Assam Orunodoi Scheme”


Jeevika Sakhi Express Scheme Inauguration Ceremony 

The Chief Minister during the conference voiced optimism that the participants of female-run self-help organizations attaining success in their endeavor would be a significant boost towards the goal of developing Assam to become one of the leading states in terms of per capita gross state domestic product. Sarma praised the self-help groups in the state for paying back their loans to banks and other financial institutions on time. The Chief Minister said that this would make sure that the number of bad loans in priority-sector lending would stay within a reasonable range. This would lead to more money being put into self-help groups so they could do more. 

Ranjeet Kumar Dass praised the Chief Minister for guiding the department’s and ASRLM’s programs. The P&RD Minister urged “Sakhis’ ‘ to make prudent use of the scooters to improve the rural economy via women’s economic engagement.

The platform provided by today’s ceremony was used by the Chief Minister so that he could also deliver a message about the significance of proper family planning.

He made the plea to the “Sakhis” who were in attendance, asking them to strive toward promoting knowledge of the advantages of a modest family among the people of rural areas.

In addition, the Chief Minister made an impassioned plea to the Sakhi people to collaborate with the government in the current Aadhar-seeding process in order to be eligible for a variety of benefits provided by the government.

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Assam Jeevika Sakhi Express Scheme Overview

Scheme Name Sakhi Express Scheme 2022
Launch By Chief Minister of Assam Himanta Biswa Sarma.
Launch Date 21 August 2022
Benefit Provide Scooters

Sakhi Express Scheme Objectives

One of the goals of this plan is to have the Sakhis utilize the scooters to help spread the word about the importance of women gaining control of their financial situations. In addition, it is the responsibility of the “Sakhis” to educate the members of the SHG about the expansive market opportunities presented by technical developments in the twenty-first century.

Who are the Beneficiaries?

Beneficiaries of Sakhi Express include individuals such as Krishi Sakhi, Bima Sakhi, Pashu Sakhi, and Jeevika Sakhi, as well as others, who, in their roles as “community cadres,” seek to unite and support members of self-help organizations in their respective industries.

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Assam Sakhi Express Scheme Documents Needed

Basic Important documents needed for the scheme: 

  • ID proof. 
  • State proof. 
  • Phone number 
  • Email ID.

How to Apply Online for Assam Sakhi Express Scheme 

To apply for this program, applicants must take the following steps:

Apply Online for Assam Sakhi Express Scheme 
  • On the website’s home page, you can find the option to sign up for Sakhi Express.
  • Then a form will pop up in front of you, and you’ll need to fill it out with all the information it asks for, such as your name and address, and attach any necessary documents.
  • The form needs to be sent in after that.
  • The form will be processed and carried out, and you will be told if your form has been accepted or not.


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