Assam Ration Card List: Download New District/ Block Wise List


Assam Ration Card List: Download New District/ Block Wise List


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Assam Ration Card List: Download New District/ Block Wise List



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The Assam new ration card list has been inaugurated by the government of Assam. So today under this article, we will share the important aspects of the Assam ration card for the year 2021. In this article, we will also share a step-by-step procedure through which you can check Assam Ration Card List which has been launched by the Assam government. In this article, we will share the specifications of the Assam ration card and also mention the benefits which are provided to the public with the inauguration of the new ration card.

Assam Ration Card Beneficiary List

A ration card is a document that is helpful for residents of the state. The ration card provides proper food items to the poor people of the society. Many poor people can avail of the benefit of subsidized food with the help of the ration card in India. Now, even a nationalized ration card is distributed to the citizens of India. This nationalized ration card can be helpful for you in getting food supplies all across the country. Overall, the ration card is the most important documents for the citizens of India.

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Importance Of The Ration Card

The ration card is of very much importance in our country because it is sometimes taken as a token of identity proof. There are many benefits of the ration card. Availability of the food products at a very low rate is the main benefit because as we know in our country many times poor people are not able to afford the food items for their daily and day-to-day life. Ration card helps all of the poor people to make a happy and smooth livelihood without any worry of inflation of food items.

Free Ration Card

Details Of Assam Ration Card List

Name Assam Ration Card
Launched by Assam Government
Beneficiaries Residents Of Assam
Objective Providing Ration Card
Official website

Types of Ration Card

There are six types of ration cards that are offered by the government. The list of these ration cards is as follows:-

Antyodaya Ration Card

Antyodaya ration card is offered to those families that belong to the poorest section of society who have no stable income. Generally old age men, women, unemployed people, and labourers come under this category. Those people who have a per capita income of less than Rs 250 per month can apply for this ration card. In order to get this ration card applicant is required to submit the application form which is duly attested by the municipal councilor or village sarpanch along with two passport size family photographs and an affidavit duly specified. The Antyodaya Ration Card holders are provided 35 kg of rice at Rs 3 per kg

BPL Ration Card

Those families that belong to the below poverty line category can apply for a BPL Ration card. BPL families are those families whose annual income is Rs ₹27,000

APL Ration Card

Those citizens who belong to the above poverty line category can apply for an APL ration card. Under this category of ration card, there’s no income limit so anyone can apply for this ration card

Blue/Pink/Red Ration Card

Those families that belong to the above poverty line category are issued with these ration cards. There are certain special subsidies that are provided to these card holders like the cardholders can take kerosene from ration shops at subsidized rates. Those families who do not have gas or LPG connection can apply for this ration card

Orange Ration Card

Orange ration cards are also provided to those families who live above the poverty line criteria. The income criteria to get an Orange ration card is different for different states

Yellow Ration Card

This ration card is issued to those citizens who belong to the below poverty line category. To get a Yellow ration card each state have different annual income criteria according to the definition of the poverty line

Eligibility Criteria

The following people are eligible to apply for the ration card in Assam:-

  • A person having no ration card can apply for a ration card.
  • Women of the family can apply for the ration card.
  • The applicant must be a resident of Assam state.
  • The applicant must be a citizen of India.
  • The annual income of the resident must be less than rupees 1 lac.

Important Documents

The following documents are required while applying for the Assam Ration Card:-

  • Proof of no Ration card from the village Head/Gaon panchayat president/ward Commissioner/Inspector, FCS&CA /Concerned Authority.
  • Copies of Birth Certificate
  • Voter List Copy
  • Income Certificate
  • BPL Certificate
  • Tax pay receipt of Land Revenue
  • Residential Proof
  • Pan Card
  • Driving License
  • BPL Family SI. No

Application Procedure of Assam Ration Card

To apply for the Assam ration card, you just need to visit your nearest ration shop or government office of the public distribution system whichever is nearest to your house. You can ask for the application form on the counter. Fill up the form and attach the documents mentioned above. The ration card will be delivered to your home in 15 days’ time.

Procedure to Check Assam Ration Card List

To check the beneficiary list of Assam ration card, you need to follow the steps given below:-

Assam Ration Card List
  • Now After that Choose Your
  • Now Unique RC ID Code, Applicant Name, Father/Spouse Name, Type of Ration Card will appear on your screen.

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REET तैयारी का फ्री खजाना 

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राजस्थान एजुकेशन न्यूज़ मोतिवेशल स्टोरीज / प्रेरक कहानियाँ
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1500 भर्तियों के मोक टेस्ट  नोट्स किताबें PDF फाइल्स 

Imp. UPDATE – *The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

Imp. UPDATE – आपसे आग्रह हैं कि आप हमारे टेलीग्राम चैनल से जरूर जुड़े ताकि आप हमारे लेटेस्ट अपडेट के फ्री अलर्ट प्राप्त कर सकें और आप हमारी पोस्ट को अपने व्हाट्सअप  और फेसबुक पर कृपया जरूर शेयर कीजिए . Thanks By GETBESTJOB.COM Team
प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओ  की तैयारी कर रहे विद्यार्थियों के लिए टेलीग्राम चैनल बनाया है। टेलीग्राम चैनल के माध्यम से भर्ती से संबंधित लेटेस्ट अपडेट , Syllabus , Exam Pattern , Handwritten notes , MCQ , Video Classes की अपडेट मिलती रहेगीJoin Now
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इस पोस्ट को आप अपने मित्रो, शिक्षको और   प्रतियोगियों व विद्यार्थियों (के लिए उपयोगी होने पर)  को जरूर शेयर कीजिए और अपने सोशल मिडिया पर अवश्य शेयर करके आप हमारा सकारात्मक सहयोग करेंगे

❤️🙏आपका हृदय से आभार 🙏

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लेखक, सरकारी नौकरियों का ख़बरी

आपको यह अपडेट अच्छा लगा हैं तो आप इसे शेयर कीजिए

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Imp. UPDATE – प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओ  की तैयारी कर रहे विद्यार्थियों के लिए टेलीग्राम चैनल बनाया है। आपसे आग्रह हैं कि आप हमारे टेलीग्राम चैनल से जरूर जुड़े ताकि आप हमारे लेटेस्ट अपडेट के फ्री अलर्ट प्राप्त कर सकें टेलीग्राम चैनल के माध्यम से भर्ती से संबंधित लेटेस्ट अपडेट, Syllabus, Exam Pattern, Handwritten notes, MCQ, Video Classes  की अपडेट मिलती रहेगी और आप हमारी पोस्ट को अपने व्हाट्सअप  और फेसबुक पर कृपया जरूर शेयर कीजिए .  Thanks By GETBESTJOB.COM Team Join Now

अति आवश्यक सूचना

GET BEST JOB टीम द्वारा किसी भी उम्मीदवार को जॉब ऑफर या जॉब सहायता के लिए संपर्क नहीं करते हैं। GETBESTJOB.COM कभी भी जॉब्स के लिए किसी उम्मीदवार से शुल्क नहीं लेता है। कृपया फर्जी कॉल या ईमेल से सावधान रहें।



इस पोस्ट को आप अपने मित्रो, शिक्षको और प्रतियोगियों व विद्यार्थियों (के लिए उपयोगी होने पर)  को जरूर शेयर कीजिए और अपने सोशल मिडिया पर अवश्य शेयर करके आप हमारा सकारात्मक सहयोग करेंगे

❤️🙏आपका हृदय से आभार 🙏❤️







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